The “sawpit error” is an issue faced by players of the game Manor Lords. In Manor Lords, the sawpit is an important building responsible for converting logs into timber.
However, some players have reported that the sawpit fails to perform its function correctly, resulting in users being unable to process logs into the timber.
How To Fix Manor Lords Sawpit Not Working
The sawpit requires at least one unassigned family member to transport timber to it. If there are no unassigned family members available, it can lead to the sawpit error.
If the player’s ox, responsible for transporting resources, is busy with other tasks, it won’t transport resources to the sawpit.
Also, If there’s a difference between the number of available logs and the sawpit’s requirements, it can cause an error.
Here are some of the solutions suggested by the users of Reddit to solve this error.
Place Family Member
Assigned the family member close to the sawpit. Placing houses closer to the sawpit can decrease travel time for resource transportation.
Oxen Task Management
- Go to the Sawpit and open its submenu.
- Find the ‘Advanced’ tab within the Sawpit’s submenu.

- Find the option to assign an Ox to the task of transporting timber.
Check Storehouse Capacity
Regularly check the capacity of your storehouse. If resources become overloaded, it can disrupt production. Upgrading your hitching post and getting more oxen to better manage resources and meet production needs.
Check Timber Availability
For the Sawpit to function properly and produce planks, it requires a bunch of wood. Confirm there are a bunch of trees near the Sawpit. If wood is lacking, construct a Forestry building to maintain timber production for the supply chain.

Multiple Sawpit Deployment
- Construct additional sawpits in your settlement.
- Assign an unassigned family member to each sawpit.
- Click on the sawpit, go to the “Advanced” tab, and assign a family member.
- Click on the sawpit, go to the “Advanced” tab, and assign an ox.
- Position the sawpits near forests or logging areas.
- Assign families to the hitching post to help with resource distribution.