Within 24 hours of its early access launch, Hades 2 peaked at 79,276 players playing at the same time. Hades 2 is a challenging game, a cheat or two can help make Melinoe’s big job of defeating Chronos, the god of time, less hard, even though Hades 2 is all about getting better by doing things again and again.
In this article, we will guide you through everything we know about cheats and console commands for the game.
Does Hades 2 have a Cheat Engine and Cheats?
This is bad news for all Hades 2 players that there is no cheat engine in early access. Like the first Hades game, Hades 2 doesn’t have cheats built in.
But it does have something called God Mode in the settings menu. The more she dies, the stronger it gets. It’s not as fun as custom cheats, but it’s the official way to make the game easier.
To Activate the God Mode:
- Go to Options.
- Click on Gameplay.
- Now, Click on the first option “God Mode”.

Third-Party Trainers
If you want extra help, check out custom-made trainers. Here are some trainers you can use for better gameplay.
Mods on WeMod
The WeMod trainer for Steam’s Hades 2 is a good choice. It’s simple but useful. With it, you can make Melinoe unhittable, have one-hit kills, set damage multipliers, and change movement speed. But Be careful! Trainers aren’t official, so they can cause crashes or other problems.
Mods on NexusMods
You can find mods on NexusMods that act like cheats for Hades 2. Some make all Boons epic or higher, others make weapon unlocks and upgrades free, and some reduce the cost of Arcana Cards to zero. More mods will probably show up as Hades 2 goes through Early Access.
Read more: Hades 2 Save File Location