Ghost of Tsushima is an action-adventure game developed by Sucker Punch Productions and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. The game is very popular for its immersive world, visuals, and fascinating story.
There is much error frequency in Ghost of Tsushima which generally refers to the occurrence of bugs, glitches, or technical issues that players face while playing the game. This article provides you with the solution of climbing bug in this game.
Ghost Of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT Climbing Bug
The Ghost of Tsushima: Director’s Cut climbing bug is a specific issue that players may experience in the game, which prevents the protagonist, Jin Sakai, from properly climbing or interacting with certain climbable surfaces.
Many users on Reddit, Steam Community, and other Forums also reported this error.
How To Fix Ghost of Tsushima DIRECTOR’S CUT Climbing Bug
Players have reported facing this bug when trying to climb or during particular missions.
Here are some of the solutions that can help you to resolve this issue.
Fix 1: Turn Off Tutorial Pop-Ups
Turn off tutorial pop-ups in the game settings to prevent recurring messages. Some players have reported receiving the “tutorial pop-up” message every time they try to climb rocks.
Fix 2: Update the Game
Check your game is updated to the latest version. To check for updates.
- On the PlayStation 4 or PlayStation 5 home screen, highlight “Ghost of Tsushima.”
- Press the “Options” button on your controller.
- Select “Check for Update.”
Fix 3: Reset Climbing Points
Move away from the climbing area and go in a different activity for a few minutes, then return to the climbing spot.
Fix 4: Clear Cache (PS4/PS5)
Clearing the cache can help resolve various performance issues.
- Turn off your console.
- Unplug the power cord and wait for a few minutes.
- Plug the power cord back in and turn on your console.