V Rising is a role-playing survival game published by Level Infinity. It can be estimated approximately 50+k users are playing after its release on 8th May 2024.
Yes, This is good news for all players that cheats and console commands are available. Using these console commands and cheats can make, completing the missions a little easier.
In this Guide, we will tell you every possible detail on Cheat engine in V Rising.
How to Activate Console Commands and Cheats
It is important to check that your console commands are activated before you begin using the cheat. There are a few simple steps by which you can activate your console commands :
- Go to the Main Menu or Pause Menu and select Options.
- Under General, make sure to tick the box next to Console Enabled.
- Return to your game and press the Tilde key (`).
- This will open the console menu and you can close it by pressing the Tilde key (`) again.
By following these steps, you can activate your console commands. It is also important to check the Admin Privileges are also activated.
How to Enable Admin Authority and Console Commands
The steps can be different based on the server type you are playing on.
1. Using a Private Game
If you are using a Private game to play V Rising and you want to activate Admin access, you just need to follow the below steps:
- Press the (`) key and open the console command.
- After opening, type adminauth and click Enter to enable admin access.
2. Using Server from Gportal
If you are using Server from Gportal, these steps will help you to activate Console command and admin access.
- Click on My Server and select V Rising Server.
- Make sure your server is online.
- Select Basic Settings and scroll down to User Management.
- In the adminlist box, type STEAt-64 ID and Click on the save button to save the changes.
How to Use Console Commands and Cheats
You’ve successfully activated the console Commands. Firstly, lets activate the list command Below steps will help you with it:
- Press the (`) key to open the console command.
- Type List with the console open and press Tab for auto-fill.
- Then, hit Enter to see the full list of console commands displayed.
You can now use Console commands and cheat by entering the cheat-code After clicking on (`) Key.
List of some Console Commands and cheats
There is a list of some Console Commands and cheats that you can use in V Rising.
- addtime
- Alias (Alias, Command)
- Bind (Key Combination, Command)
- changedurability
- changehealthofclosesttomouse
- Clear
- ClearTempBindings
- MultiCommand (Commands)
- ProfileInfo
- RemoveAlias (Alias)
- TempBind (Key Combination, Command)
- Unbind (Key Combination)
- admindeauth
- bancharacter (Character Name)
- banned
- clanaccept
- clandecline
- claninvite (Unnamed Argument)
- clanleave
- ConnectLan (address, port, password)
- ContactShadows (Unnamed Argument)
- Copy (Command)
- CopyDebugDump
- CopyPositionDump
- CreateDebugDump
- CreatePerformanceDump
- DebugViewEnabled (Unnamed Argument)
- disconnect
- DumpEverything (Which)
- DumpSystemMemory (Which, AlsoLogToConsole)
- FieldOfView (Unnamed Argument)
- ForceCraftingStations (Count)
- GatherAllAllies
- GatherAllAlliesExceptMe
- GatherAllNonAllies
- GatherAllPlayers
- GatherAllPlayersExceptMe
- GenerateCastle (Castle Territory Index)
- GenerateCastlesInRegion (World Region)
- GenerateJewel (Ability, Tier Index, Override Power)
- GenerateLegendaryWeapon (Weapon, Override Power)
- hidehud
- JobThreads (Threads)
- kick (Character Name)
- kill
- List (Optional: Category)
- localization (Language)
- logdestroyevents (Which, State)
- lowqualityatmosphere (Unnamed Argument)
- OpenCrashDumpFolder
- OpenLogsFolder
- PlayerInfo (Character Name)
- PlayerTeleport
- printactivesequences
- printactivesounds
- printallsequences
- printdestroyevents (Which)
- PrintDynamicResSettings
- printsunvfxstate
- Reconnect
- setadminlevel (user, level)
- SetAimAssist (Config File)
- setresolution (Unnamed Argument, Unnamed Argument)
- ShowLineOfSightTiles (Unnamed Argument)
- ShowProjectedSunblockers (Unnamed Argument)
- ShowTileCollision (Unnamed Argument)
- startbuildwallpaper (Unnamed Argument)
- teleport (Who, Where, WorldPosX, WorldPosY)
- TeleportPlayerToMe (User)
- TeleportPlayerToMousePosition (User)
- TeleportToChunk (Unnamed Argument)
- teleporttomapmarker
- TeleportToNether
- TeleportToPlayer (User)
- ToggleDebugViewCategory (Unnamed Argument)
- toggleobserve (Mode)
- ToggleSetting (Setting Name, Optional Setting Values)
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